Genesis 39-41

Today we will read chapter 39-41. We will continue the story of Joseph. At this point, he was sold to the house of Potiphar, captain of Pharaoh’s bodyguard as a slave. Yet he was greatly honored and favored by his master. By the providence of God, everything he did prospered and Potiphar made him oversee everything in his house. He refused to lie with his master’s wife even though she requested repeatedly, and became a conqueror over a strong temptation to sin. He was falsely accused, imprisoned and yet his imprisonment was made honorable by the tokens of God’s special presence with him. To some extent, Joseph reminded us our Lord Jesus Christ, “who took upon him the form of servant”, and yet clearly we see that “God was with him”. He was also tempted by Satan, after 40 days of fasting, and he overcame the temptation. He was falsely accused and yet had all things committed to his hand.

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