Luke 10-12

Today we read Luke 10-12.
Following the return of the 12 Apostles, the Lord dispatched an additional 72 disciples to continue their work. Upon their joyous return, the Son of Man advised them not to take pleasure in the immediate outcomes of their work, but instead to rejoice that their names were inscribed in heaven.
Despite being rejected, the Son of Man found joy in the fulfillment of God’s will. He engaged in a discourse with the scribes regarding who constituted a good neighbor, while simultaneously exposing the religious leaders’ lack of mercy towards the needy and their disregard for God’s commandments. He also pointed out what’s the good portion of the blessings in the home of Martha and Mary.
Prioritizing daily proximity to Him and attentiveness to His teachings should be the focus of our lives. He instructed them on how to pray and prioritize their values. Following the casting out of a mute demon, some leaders attacked Jesus, accusing Him of using the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons. Being aware of their intentions, Jesus reprimanded them for their hardened hearts and filled with evil thoughts. The religious leaders attempted to remove Jesus through deceitful means. He cautioned the disciples to beware of the Pharisees’ hypocrisy and to fear only God, rather than them. These leaders did not fear God and even blasphemed against the Holy Spirit publicly, so they will face judgement in due time. Jesus taught His disciples not to be anxious about accumulating worldly treasures but instead to store up treasures in heaven. When the Lord returns, He will judge the world.

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