Today we will read chapter 25 and 26 of Genesis.In the recordings of 4 forefathers (Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Joseph), the one for Issac is the shortest, only a few chapters. His family structure is very simple. He has 2 sons and the 2 sons became the ancestors of 2 great nations. Jacob was the… Continue reading Genesis 25-26
Genesis 27-28
Today we will read chapter 27-28.From chapter 27, our focus will be on the 3rd figure of Genesis, Jacob. Jacob was a fraud and scammer, seeking his own benefits. Seizing on Esau’s moment of weakness, offered to feed him in return for Esau’s birthright blessing. Esau, being driven by his hunger and emotion, foolishly agreed… Continue reading Genesis 27-28
Hello All!
We will start our 1st Bible reading plan. It will be an exciting journey. Join us and you won’t regret. The plan is to read one chapter a day. Are you ready to launch your exciting expedition through the Bible? It starts with the first words of Genesis: “In the beginning God created …” Let’s… Continue reading Hello All!